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WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION Silveria Roselli combines marketing, management and development skills as Tavan Developments COO “I was approached by Tavan Developments when they were looking to expand their business and, having gone through the process of building my own two luxury homes, I was very inter- ested.” Roselli says she was encouraged to take the position by a fe- male client in the development industry, who suggested her man- agement and business experience would support her success. She says earning the respect of the industry took time. “The fact remains that in this industry the job sites and boardrooms are comprised of primarily men.” She says she feels she has had to gain trust and confidence from the industry in her capabilities. However she says she has developed strong relationships over the years. As COO and general manager of Tavan, Roselli has driven the business's strategic direction and high standards, while guiding its growth. The company has been recognized with various awards locally, provincially and nationally during her tenure. Representing the company working with financial stakehold- ers, investors and banks and, through a well-crafted business plan, she has led Tavan to fiscal sales and target acquisition goals. Roselli uses a long-term, fact-based approach towards managing the business with a strong understanding of people, organizational function, strategy and a strong business insight.     Internally, she says she persistently develops and applies process improvements to enhance Tavan’s competitive position and efficiency. “My management style is to promote an environment that fos- ters team-work, communication, and accountability, with staff, trades and associates alike. I also build and maintain strong rela- tionships with partners and suppliers.” Silveria Roselli has translated a diverse career in marketing, management and development into a successful role as chief op- erating officer (COO) and general manager for Vancouver-based Tavan Developments. Over the years Roselli worked as marketing manager with the Vancouver Canucks and then went on to work with various com- panies including Studio B Productions, Curve Communications and the Canadian Cancer Society. 38 – April-May 2015 — The Canadian Design and Construction Report