Harvard students visit rural Newfoundland


A group of Harvard University architecture students spent a week in New- foundland communities in October helping the towns develop innovative new designs and expansions.

The 14 Masters students visited Harbour Grace, Twilingate, and Port Union as part of the Outports in Transition program, studying the towns, with public discussions and meetings to figure out fresh ideas for the communities.

“I’d like to think that these architectural students are going to come in and look at some of our potential places here in the harbour and around the town, and see it through those new eyes,” said Harbour Grace councillor Gordon Stone.

Stone said that opportunities for growth can sometimes be overlooked by those who have been in the region for a long time, according to a published report. He mentioned the Admiral’s Marina in Harbour Grace, which was simply a small salt water pond for years before it was made into a thriving harbour.

“Here’s an idea now of something that went on for years that nobody saw the potential,” he said. “A group saw it with fresh eyes, and lo and behold, here it is.

” The students will help the town councils put together comprehensive plans for the towns, which will include architectural designs of proposed projects. “Having a set of architectural drawings that could back up some of the things that you hope to develop, that certainly helps you when you go look-ing for funding or you’re trying to con-vince someone that your idea’s a good one,” said Stone.


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