Trans-Canada Highway improvements planned east of Revelstoke BC


CaDCR staff writer

The Government of British Columbia has issued a request for qualifications (RFQ) has been issued for the design and construction of the Highway 1 Jumping Creek to MacDonald Snowshed four-laning project.

The project involves the design and construction of improvements to the Trans-Canada Highway 1 approximately 40 kilometres east of Revelstoke. The project is adjacent to the recently completed Illecillewaet and extends to the western end of the MacDonald Snowshed.

Improvements include:

  • 2.6 km of highway upgrades
  • Rockfall and avalanche mitigation
  • Climate change resiliency
  • Median divider and roadside barrier

The centre median and roadside barriers will be constructed to reduce frequency and severity of collisions, as well as avalanche and rockfall mitigation. Congestion will be reduced by the addition of a safe passing opportunity. The project will also make the highway more resilient to extreme-weather events.

Following the RFQ, a short list of qualified teams will be invited to participate in a request for proposals (RFP). The total estimated project budget is more than $245 million, with a net provincial contribution of nearly $200 million. The Government of Canada is contributing $45.7 million as part of the New Building Canada Fund. It is anticipated that the contract will be awarded in the fall of 2024, with construction beginning by spring 2025.


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