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exp Services Inc. provides comprehensive engineering services for Burlington CaDCR special feature Since its inception in 1957 as a ge- otechnical engineering service, exp Services Inc. has expanded its offer- ings and is now a turn-key engineer- ing firm. The company has applied its expertise to many projects within the Burlington area. Project manager Osbert (Ozzie) Benjamin says the company began expanding its reach in the mid to late 90’s when it added infrastructure, structural, electrical and mechanical engineering to its existing base (geot- echnical, environmental and building sciences). In 2011/2012, two U.S.- based firms and a firm in Atlantic Canada were added and in 2011 the company rebranded to exp Services Inc. “We can now offer our services across Canada and into the U.S. and provide the full range of engineering services,” he said. The company’s expertise and di- verse range of services landed exp the contract for third-party materials testing and inspection services with the City of Burlington. Benjamin says the company provides field testing for all city infrastructure projects includ- ing roads, sewers and watermains as well as occasional recreational facili- ties. “We’ve been in the independent third party verification industry for 50 years. We have a proven track record both on the engineering and lab side and have the problem-solving skills required for complex jobs.” exp is also involved with private projects, including the $120 million Joseph Brant Hospital redevelopment and expansion project. Benjamin says while visible ground conditions may be easy to assess, once you get below the surface you never know what to expect. This is where exp’s experienced staff, many of whom have been with the com- pany long-term, come into play. He also says exp’s technicians have a strong knowledge about chal- lenges weather can create, including safety challenges, and that they apply that knowledge to help to ensure the project moves forward safely and ef- ficiently. For more information about exp Services Inc., visit We are proud to be associated with the Oulet Shopping Centre in Niagara-on-the-Lake project. 80 Bancroft Street, Hamilton, ON L8E 2W5 Phone: 905.573.4000 Fax: 905.573.9693 The Canadian Design and Construction Report — Fall 2014 – 31