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servicing to the Courtice area (and to Oshawa and north Whitby in the future). This work will provide much needed servicing to the employment lands in Courtice and addi- tional residential capacity. New Development Charge By-law On May 11, 2015 Clarington Council approved changes to the Municipality’s Development Charge By-law – effec- tive July 1, 2015. These changes provide new exemptions to help encourage growth and development in Clarington. “We have worked diligently, consulting with the develop- ment community to come up with a fee system that is fair, maintains services and also encourages growth and devel- opment,” said Nancy Taylor, director of finance. To learn more about this, contact CBOT. Existing small to mid-size industrial companies can dou- ble their footprint without paying any Clarington develop- ment charges. For new industrial builds, businesses only pay half the fee levied. “As development moves east, Clar- ington is well positioned for additional growth with more than 125 acres of serviced industrial land along the 401 corridor with an amazing price point ranging from $60,000 to $150,000 per acre. These new development charge ex- emptions will add to the advantage of developing these lands,” says Hall. Darlington Nuclear Refurbishment Project Mega projects and opportunities Port Granby project On July 30, 2015, the federal government announced the award of an $86,847,474 contract under the Port Hope Area Initiative to AMEC – CB&I Joint Venture to build the Port Granby Long-Term Waste Management Facility in the Municipality of Clarington. The Port Granby project will re- locate the historic low-level radioactive waste and margin- ally contaminated soils from an existing waste management facility on the shoreline of Lake Ontario to the new, state-of-the-art facility about a kilometre north of the current site. The contract includes facility construction, waste exca- vation, construction of a roadway to permit transportation of the excavated material without using municipal roads and restoration of the existing and new facility sites. The Port Granby project is part of the Port Hope Area Initiative, a $1.28 billion federally funded project. The local economy will realize significant economic op- portunities with the creation of hundreds of jobs over the project’s five to six-year duration. Requirements for con- tract-related work range from heavy equipment, trucking and excavation, to property maintenance, security, instru- mentation, environmental monitoring and many other skilled trades. Spin-off opportunities such as accommoda- tion, food, printing and signage will also result from the project. Port Granby Remediation Project M egega a P Pa Pr Pro roroje r jeroje ctctsjeject s OpOpp p orp or tuorort u nit tynini yt y Smar Sma r rt t Inv Inve Inves e s tm tmtme e n tn te Business Growth New Developmen t Charge Exemptions! s! Development Ch arge E xemption Contact t n CoCon Co act us u s fs f or or d detai e t td ae a it i l s! s!i s! Clarington B oar d of T r ade and O ffic e of E c onomic D ev elopmen t K ing 54 King S St. t . E E., ., Unit 102 B o wman ville Ontario anada Bowmanville, , On tar io C Canada L1C 1N3 info@cb inf o@cb ot .c w w .cb ot .c 905-623-3106 • a • w a The Canadian Design and Construction Report — November 2015 – 31