Creating a Durable Concrete Structure Begins with Concrete Waterproofing


As water is the cause of all concrete deterioration, permeation of water into the concrete must be reduced in order to have a truly durable structure.

Many concrete waterproofing products contain harmful chemicals, deteriorate over time, and/or require substantial site disturbance for installation. To mitigate these concerns, more and more contractors are looking for a permanent, more reliable system.

Kryton’s Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM) is a hydrophilic crystalline concrete admixture that transforms concrete into a water-resistant barrier. KIM’s proprietary ingredients work as a catalyst with water or moistureto form millions of needle-like crystals. The crystals work to permanently block pores and capillaries within the concrete, shielding it from water and keeping the concrete strong and durable.

Unlike other systems, KIM becomes more effective with time, to protect the concrete structure during its entire service life. It will not wear away, puncture, tear or become damaged. Because the KIM admixtureis integrated into the concrete mix, extra labor and the potential for human error is reduced and backfilling can begin as soon as the concrete hardens, saving time on the construction site. KIM has been used in many LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified projects, such as Las Vegas’s CityCenter, and Vancouver’s Van Dusen Garden Visitor Center, to name but a few.



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