Toronto prepares to make COR certification mandatory for larger projects


The City of Toronto is preparing to make the Infrastructure Health and Safety Association’s (IHSA) Certificate of Recognition (COR) certification mandatory for larger construction proj-ects beginning in 2017.

“This is clearly going to affect many hundreds, possibly up to 1,000 con-tractors bidding on city projects,” said David Frame, the Ontario General Con-tractors Association’s (OGCA) director of government relations.

The city plans to require COR as a prequalification requirement for gen-eral contractors on jobs greater than $25 million beginning in January 2017, $10 million in 2018 and $5 million in 2019.

Bill De Angelis, Toronto’s director of engineering and construction services, said in a statement he could not say specifically how many contractors or how much work volume would be af-fected by the new rules “as our pro-grams are still being finalized.”

“Suffice it to say, the city’s capital works program is significant today and is expected to increase in the coming years to address state of good repair and growth needs,” he said.


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