CAGBC announces awards at Building Lasting Change conference in Montreal.




Ontario Construction News staff writer

The annual Canada Green Building Council (CAGBC) awards were presented last week in Montreal, recognizing innovative projects, teams, and individuals in the green building sector.

“As we begin our third decade, the CAGBC Awards showcase how green building has driven innovation in the industry from coast to coast,” Thomas Mueller, CAGBC president and CEO said at the Building Lasting Change conference. “Celebrating leadership in advancing our thinking and our practices enables the green building community to recognize the progress we have made together.

“The commitment and innovation represented by these award winners is what we need to move the industry forward at scale.”

The 2023 Lifetime Achievement award went to Michael Brooks, CEO of REALPAC, for his 25-plus year career advancing green building in Canada and around the world.

“Michael is a valued member of the green building community and is an ardent champion of sustainability and climate action,” Mueller said. “His years of support for CAGBC’s mission to transform the industry, including as a member of our board of directors and as CEO of REALPAC, have made a significant difference in shaping our strategy and programs. I congratulate Michael on this well-deserved honour.”

Awards were also presented to:

Green Building Excellence

Zero Carbon Design:

Collège Sainte-Anne, Dorval, Quebec – The project includes construction of two new pavilions that are certified with CAGBC’s zero carbon building – design standard. Located in Dorval, Quebec, this project also includes the complete renovation of an existing elementary pavilion.

Deep Carbon Retrofit:

Scotia Plaza’s 100 Yonge Street, Toronto – The goal of the project was to upgrade its outdated mechanical and HVAC systems, while also increasing its overall energy efficiency and limiting disruption to existing tenants.

Installation of an air source heat pump, capable of operating at temperatures as low as -30°C, was a pioneering achievement in cold climate markets and demonstrates the feasibility of market-ready solutions to achieve deep carbon reductions in Canada.

New Construction:

Manitou a bi Bii daziigae, Red River College Polytechnic, Winnipeg, Manitoba – The 100,000 square-foot building represents Indigenous knowledge, teachings, and traditions and features a dynamic envelope of photovoltaic glass, generating energy and changing color based on weather and viewing angle. Inside, the design incorporates diverse light-filled spaces and Indigenous design elements and artwork.

Inspiring Home:

Lauberivière, Québec, Québec – The new seven level, 10,000-square-metre shelter focuses on sustainability, demonstrating a 47.7 percent reduction in GHG emissions from baseline, recovering heat from the kitchen’s refrigeration systems to pre-heat domestic hot water, a green roof and community garden, and an innovative aluminum cladding system that reduced the building’s embodied carbon.


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