Canadian Wood Council invites entries for 2024 Wood Design and Building Awards

wood awards

CaDCR staff writer

The Canadian Wood Council (CWC) is now accepting applications for the 2024 Wood Design and Building Awards. The competition is open to North American and international projects completed between Jan. 1, 2021, and May 31, 2024, and is calling for entries that showcase the use of wood products in any, or several, of their many forms and applications.

The jury will assess the entries based on their creativity, appropriate use of wood materials, satisfaction of clients’ requirements, meeting specific building and site requirements, and innovative design.

The winning projects will receive a custom wood trophy recognizing the achievement, and will be featured in a press release and on social media. A feature profile will also be created on the Wood Innovation Network, and winners will be showcased in a video available on the WoodWorks website.

To enter the competition, the projects must be completed between Jan. 1, 2021, and May 31, 2024 (excluding previous winning projects of the Wood Design & Building Awards).

Entries can be submitted at this link:

Categories include:


The Non-residential Category includes offices, shopping centers, restaurants, stores, churches, motels, hotels, schools, libraries, recreational buildings, fire halls, medical clinics, hospitals, storage facilities, research laboratories, factories and warehouses.


The Residential Category includes single-family detached dwellings and multi-family projects such as duplexes, garden homes, apartments, condominiums, dormitories, affordable housing and seniors’ residences.

Adaptive reuse, additions, and renovations

The Adaptive Reuse, Additions, and Renovations Category includes modifications to an existing structure. The principal building might not have to be wood but any alterations must be of wood construction to be eligible.

International building

The International Building Category includes buildings of every type that were constructed outside of North America.

Other – Exterior structures, bridges etc. 


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