CCA says provisional steel tariff measures ‘a blow to the industry’


The Canadian construction industry has been disregarded by the Canadian government in its decision to impose provisional safeguard measures on steel products, the Canadian Construction Association (CCA) asserts.

‘’We have been understanding while the negotiations were in progress with the US government, but the outcome is that the construction industry has been ignored. Not only do the steel and aluminium tariffs remain; these safeguards are another blow to the industry,’’ said CCA president Mary Van Buren.

‘’Now it’s time for the Government of Canada to help the construction industry by dedicating research and development funds to improve productivity and to allow for accelerated depreciation on capital equipment,’’ she said in a statement.

The U.S.-imposed tariffs and these safeguards on the import of foreign steel will hurt the construction industry, its workers and fundamentally all Canadians by raising prices, damaging competitiveness for business and potentially delaying projects necessary for building Canada’s infrastructure.

The CCA has long advocated for reciprocity and the establishment and maintenance of a free-flowing international system of trade, both in terms of goods as well as services. CCA supports international free trade agreements, including provisions respecting government procurement.


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