CCW plans Marine Gateway tour in Vancouver

Marine Gateway Vancouver

Canadian Construction Women (CCW) has scheduled a tour of the Marine Gateway project at Cambie and Marine Dr. in Vancouver on Tuesday, May 26.

The Marine Gateway project is a transit orientated mixed use project involving residential, retail and office components, the organization says in an email. The project is directly integrated with the Canada Line Station and designed to meet LEED Gold Standards.

There are two residential towers 29 stories and 38 stories in height with 461 residential units, and a 19 story office tower.

Three towers are built over a shared retail podium and parkade and feature a High Street gathering place. Heating and cooling is provided by the Geothermal Fortis District Energy Center.

“The Marine Gateway tour is a unique opportunity to see a large mixed use development at various stages – completed residential units, in progress office and retail space and the beginning of tenant improvement works. This tour promises to be one of our most varied and interesting to date!” says the event invitation.

For more detailed information, updates and pictures, please refer to

The event starts at 5:00 p.m. There is a site orientation, tour and finally a dinner.

You can register at this link.



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