Construction to begin of the Riopelle Space pavilion in Quebec

Photos: © Les architectes fabg (CNW Group/Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec)

CaDCR staff writer

Three firms responded to the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec call for tenders to build the Riopelle Space pavillion in Quebec and the contract was awarded to CONCREA, the lowest compliant bidder.

A precise time frame will be established once the contract has been officially signed. Work should begin this spring with the opening of the future pavilion slated for 2026.

Designed by Les architectes fabg, the essential drawings and specifications stage completed, the initial budget has been adjusted to $84 million for the “flagship project” for Québec culture and Québec City.

The Quebec government, through the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications, will provide $44 million and Québec City will increase its financial support to $5 million, leaving the Jean Paul Riopelle Foundation to raise $20 million to $25 million.

A major fundraising campaign will be launched next autumn, to reach even higher financial targets with donors, patrons of the arts and the business community, and to ensure the sustainability of all educational activities surrounding the creation of the future Riopelle Space.

Spaces are being cleared that to prepare the worksite for construction of the future Riopelle Space.

Québec City Mayor Bruno Marchand is delighted to witness the biggest investment in culture in the Capitale-Nationale since the opening of the Pierre Lassonde Pavilion.

“The future Riopelle Space will afford an remarkable showcase for our culture and offer an additional attraction for residents and tourists visiting Québec City,” he said. ”We are privileged that the collections of this outstanding artist are being entrusted to the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec.”

The new pavilion in the museum complex will also serve as the gateway to a space devoted to research and education that will propose educational programs for the public at large, students, and researchers aimed at heightening awareness of the importance of art in our society.

The new building’s expanded reception areas and spectacular vista clearings opening on to the park will afford visitors a unique overall contemplative experience. Also, the amenities surrounding the pavilion will facilitate outdoor exhibitions, whether an artistic garden or interactive installations, offering visitors immersive adventures that can enable them to discover and appreciate Riopelle’s art in a genuinely inspiring environment.


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