Fortress Real Developments says that the company has signed on Edenshaw Developments Ltd. as a co-developer on SkyCity Centre Winnipeg.
With a ground breaking slated for later this spring, the team has been working behind the scenes to move the project towards construction.
“We have been excited about this project right out of the gates,” Fortress chief operating officer Vince Petrozza said in a statement. “With such a large and complex tower, we always anticipated the need to add a co-developer for this project, to bring it across the finish line. After meeting with Edenshaw we knew right away they were the perfect fit for this task.”
Edenshaw, based in Toronto, is a multi-faceted real estate company with Winnipeg ties of its own.
“When Fortress came to us with the proposal to work together on this project, I was excited,” Edenshaw president and CEO David McComb said. “I have been in the industry for years and developed projects in Canada’s two major markets, Toronto and Vancouver, but this was a unique opportunity for me to be a part of something iconic in a place I used to call home.”
McComb, born in Winnipeg, will lead the consultant teams on the project and will work with all municipal departments to bring this development through to construction and then completion.
“We are thrilled to have such a passionate, experienced team join us in this endeavor to create what we believe will become the landmark of the city,” said Fortress president and CEO Jawad Rathore. “The team has already hit the ground running, and together we are focused on delivering this iconic tower which will add to the fabric of the newly revitalized downtown.”
The 45 storey tower was brought to market in the fall of 2015 and currently has achieved more than 50 per cent of the residential sales. A public launch of the ‘Offices at SkyCity’, which offers 60,000 sq. ft. of commercial condominium space, is planned for this month.