Final agreements signed for Calgary event centre construction


CaDCR staff writer

A new event centre in Calgary is a step closer to breaking ground with final agreements signed, giving the project a green light to begin the design and construction phase.

The project is a partnership with the City of Calgary, Province of Alberta, Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporation, and Calgary Stampede and is part of Calgary’s downtown revitalization plan.

Beginning this fall, development manager, CAA ICON, will launch utility and site preparations to make room for the community rink, public plazas and event centre. They will also begin work for the development permit process, which includes designing the community rink, Event Centre and public gathering spaces on the Event Centre Block.

The permit process is expected to be completed in 2024, followed by construction beginning the same year.

“CSEC is proud to partner in this community effort to build Calgary’s Event Centre and Culture + Entertainment District,” said John Bean, CSEC president and CEO. “We are happy to have the legal agreements finalized and look forward to the design and construction stage.”

CMLC is working with the city to deliver all supporting infrastructure including the new 6th Street SE underpass, which is also expected to break ground in 2024.

“The completion of this project will bring benefits for all Calgarians, and we’re one step closer to its realization,” said chair of the event centre committee Sonya Sharp. “We are fortunate to have partners who realize the enormous potential that this district has for Calgary as a year-round hub of sports, arts, and entertainment. It will attract commercial investment to our downtown core and contribute to our city’s vibrancy and economic growth.”


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