Greenbrook delivers speed, quality and economical detailing for steel fabricators and contractors


Canadian Design and Construction Report special feature

Greenbrook Engineering Services has achieved enviable results in delivering high quality, rapid, and competitive detailing and BIM coordination for steel fabricators and contractors.

“Detailing has finally been viewed as a critical piece of work in the construction value chain, rather than as something you have to live with,” says Greenbrook president Murli Balu.

“Before it was a paper and fax based technology, with printed documents,” he said. “Now there are various software tools that can provide the same results, and using the Internet as a means of communication, it is a lot faster and more economical.”

Greenbrook fits well into this model. Most of the company’s skilled employees work from a delivery center in Bangalore, India, but Balu and other key technical representatives are based much closer to their clients (Greenbrook’s office is in Middlesex, NJ.)

The technology has sped up service – tasks that could take days now can be completed in minutes – and reduced costs. (Balu says Greenbrook has been able to reduce its fees by about 18 to 20 per cent over the past six years.)

“Our competitive advantage is we’ve got greater access to talent and cost savings,” he said

As for the future, “we are moving more and more into a virtual construction environment to ensure that field fit and jobsite co-ordination among various trades is extremely smooth.”

For more information about Greenbrook, see


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