Group representing heating, air conditioning and refrigeration industry calls for low carbon economy transition

market transformation roadmap

Representatives from the Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) visited Parliament Hill on Nov. 20 to speak with federal decision makers about the essential role the industry plays in the lives of Canadians.

The HVACR industry generates over $7 billion across Canada, and employs nearly 50,000 Canadians nationwide, HRAI said in a statement. A federal plan to make homes and buildings more energy efficient will ensure businesses are more competitive and Canadians will feel relief on their energy bills.

“Our central message is about the transition to a low carbon economy, and the policy route to get there” said HRAI chair David Weishuhn. Weishuhn is also president of Blue Flame Heating and Air Conditioning based in North York, ON. “The heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration Industry is well positioned to provide meaningful, and highly impactful solutions that will assist Canada in making this economic transition,” said Weishuhn.

In consultation with provinces, territories, and industry stakeholders, Natural Resources Canada has developed a Market Transformation Road Map for Energy Efficient Equipment in the Building Sector. HRAI encourages the government to fully fund the recommended measures, as they will work, with minimal delay, to prepare the marketplace for new technologies and building practices for this imminent transition.

“We need to keep the momentum up to ensure these vital initiatives receive the funding they deserve,” said Weishuhn. “HRAI is also recommending support that will complement the funding of the Market Transformation Roadmap, including a federal tax credit that would reward home and building owners, and support for low-carbon technologies through an industry-managed incentive program,” said Weishuhn.

As an integral part of Canada’s construction sector, “without the services and products that the HVACR industry provides, Canada’s economy would not be able to compete globally. The upcoming 2030 emission targets make the partnership between industries and the federal government not only necessary, but unavoidable,” said Weishuhn.


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