Ledcor Group promotes Jeff Watt and Bill Partington

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The Ledcor Group of Companies says the business has promoted Jeff Watt to be president, Energy, Mining and Infrastructure and Bill Partington to president, Ledcor Pipeline Group.

“The appointments of Bill and Jeff to these roles is an important move for Ledcor,” Ledcor Industries Inc. president   Tom Lassu said in a statement.  “Both individuals exemplify Ledcor’s corporate values with unwavering commitment. They are greatly respected, by their peers and team members alike, and each possesses a forward-thinking mindset when it comes to ensuring a seamless approach to business decisions and market opportunities.”

Jeff Watt has been with Ledcor for 16 years. The company says his diverse construction experience includes commercial, industrial, mining, civil, infrastructure, telecommunications, and pipeline. He has worked on projects across Canada, the United States and Southeast Asia. He joined Ledcor in 2000 as a project manager and has progressed into roles with increased scope and areas of responsibility. He was promoted to vice-president in 2006 and senior vice-president in 2009. Jeff became the Chief Operating Officer of Ledcor Contractors in 2012.

“Jeff’s extensive experience with seeing a project through its lifecycle — including the feasibility analysis, budgeting and tendering of the bid, contract negotiations, and construction — positions him well to take Ledcor’s Energy, Mining and Infrastructure operations into the future,” said Lassu.

Bill Partington has led numerous pipeline projects with significant degrees of complexity for over 30 years, including those traversing multiple geographies and terrain types such as the prairies, the arctic, winter muskeg, mountains and extreme-mountainous, and the Canadian Shield, especially in Northern Ontario. He also led projects on greenfield sites such as the Maritime and Northeast Pipeline, and the Vancouver Island Mainline Project.

Before joining Ledcor Bill held senior positions with other major pipeline construction companies including Majestic Contractors, Banister Pipelines, and Marine Pipeline Construction. He has also worked on select pipeline projects in the United States, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and Thailand.

He also played a significant role in the establishment of national pipelines standards while active for over 25 years as a committee member of the Canadian Standards Association. Bill is currently sitting as the past chair of the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association Foundation.

“Bill’s on-the-ground experience, combined with his leadership contribution to the pipeline industry, will ensure successful completion of Ledcor’s current mainline and integrity projects, and further strengthen Ledcor’s position as we seek new opportunities,” said Lassu.

Ledcor says the two executives will continue to work together, supporting synergies and shared strategies across the various groups, while continuing to leverage the collective support of the larger Ledcor Group of Companies. They are based in Edmonton with their respective management teams.

“Our steadfast commitment to our clients and our people will be further enhanced with Bill and Jeff in these leadership roles,” said Dave Lede, chairman and CEO of the Ledcor Group of Companies.


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