Metal Supermarkets offers scholarships to trade school students


CaDCR staff writer

Metal Supermarkets kicked off the third annual trade school scholarship program in honor of National Welding Month in April. Four $2,500 scholarships are to be awarded to eligible trade school students in the United States and Canada for studies in 2024.

The scholarship was established in response to the shortage of skilled trade workers across North America. For example, more than 360,000 welding professionals are projected to be needed by 2026, while only 84,000 positions are expected to be filled by next year, according to the American Welding Society. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that skilled trades have millions of unfilled positions. Similarly, a Canadian government report cited that over 256,000 new apprentices are also needed in the coming years to meet the 2026 demand for skilled trades workers in Canada.

To qualify for the scholarship, students must be accepted to and currently attending a post-secondary trade school program with a semester beginning in 2024 and must be enrolled in the upcoming semester. The scholarship is open to citizens, permanent residents and resident aliens legally residing in the United States or Canada with a high school diploma, GED or equivalent.

Applications can be submitted online at now through June 28, 2024. Metal Supermarkets will contact each winner by email and phone by July 31, using the contact information provided by the entrant during the application process.

A Metal Supermarkets commissioned study showed that young people are not aware of potentially lucrative skilled trades careers — over 62% of high school respondents said they lacked knowledge about trade school opportunities. During National Welding Month, Metal Supermarkets is raising awareness about this growing deficit of skilled trade workers by offering scholarships to the next generation of trade industry workers.

“With the third year of our scholarship, we are striving to continue to support students who are pursuing careers in the valuable trade industries,” said Stephen Schober, President and CEO of Metal Supermarkets. “We are also pleased to see more diversity in the traditionally male-dominated trades, as over 35% of our past scholarship winners are female. Yet there is still a growing need for these essential skilled trade workers, and Metal Supermarkets remains committed to fostering awareness of trade industry careers for young people.”


  • Students accepted to and attending a post-secondary trade school program with a semester beginning in 2024.
  • Open to citizens, permanent residents and resident aliens legally residing in the USA or Canada with a High School Diploma, GED or equivalent
  • Scholarship funds are payable to the winner’s certified trade school in the United States or Canada.
  • Winner must enroll or already be enrolled in the upcoming semester.

Employees of Metal Supermarkets Franchising Family of Companies, franchisees, franchisee staff or their family members may not enter.


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