PCA applauds Alberta’s ‘fiscally responsible’ budget


Ontario Construction News staff writer

The Progressive Contractors Association of Canada (PCA), a national association whose member companies employ thousands of Alberta construction workers, supports the Government of Alberta’s 2024 budget, focused on fiscal responsibility and investments in skills training and infrastructure to support the province’s growing population.

“It’s refreshing to see this government’s commitment to fiscal balance,” said Paul de Jong, president & CEO of PCA “This is a responsible budget that at the same time makes major investments in health care, education, new apprenticeship spaces and infrastructure to keep Alberta’s economy strong and growing.”

Budget 2024 forecasts a surplus of $400 million in 2024-25 on total spending of $73.5 billion and earmarks $25 billion in capital spending over three years to build critical infrastructure projects from new roads and hospitals to schools. That will support 24,000 direct and 13,000 indirect jobs.

“Alberta is undergoing significant population growth, and this government makes the kinds of investments in critical infrastructure and apprenticeship training to support that growth, attract investment and keep our province and the construction sector competitive,” de Jong said.

PCA s a strong supporter of UCP budget initiatives to address labour shortages, including $102 million in funding over three years to create 3,200 apprenticeship spaces in high-demand areas, and support curriculum development in trades training.



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