WSIB releases injury/claims details for individual Ontario construction businesses

aecon data
Benefit payments by AECON Construction Group Inc., just one of many datapoints anyone can access with a new Ontario WSIB search tool

For the first time ever Ontarians can find and compare health and safety statistics for workplaces across the province by using Compass, an online resource from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB).

The WSIB, an agency of the Ministry of Labour, serves to administer a no-fault insurance system for Ontarians — covering 16 diverse industries, more than 300,000 workplaces, and more than five million people across the province.

With Compass, anyone can see things like the number and types of injuries in a workplace, WSIB says in a news release.

wsib pcl compass
InjuryInjury Claims by Registration Year_PCL CONSTRUCTORS CANADA INC. (from WSIB Compass)

“They will also get a sense of how serious those injuries were, how many people were off work past the day of an accident, and how many people are still receiving benefits a year after an accident. Additionally, they will also have the ability to compare health and safety stats between employers,” the statement says.

The report indicates specific data on injuries and lost-time claims for construction businesses, including these charts for some major companies. You can conduct your own search at


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