EDAC Course: foundations of community economic development

Waterloo SEED

The University of Waterloo’s School of Environment, Enterprise and Development is offering a course, Foundations of Community Economic Development, in Moncton, NB from April 13 to 17, the Economic Developers Association of Canada (EDAC) reports.

“Year 1 is about two things: building a strong foundation of knowledge in economic development, and building connections with your peers,” the course announcement says.

“This course helps economic development professionals learn the basics of the field, from what an EDO really does, to measuring success. Generalists will learn strategies for handling the many and diverse tasks they’re expected to do.  Specialists will learn about the spectrum of economic development activities and become more insightful team members.

“Professionals of all types and experience levels will appreciate the peer-learning and networking opportunities. Participants come from across Canada and are eager to share their successes, challenges, and lessons. On a personal level, spending a week learning, eating, and relaxing together builds a bond that leaves each cohort looking forward to reuniting at conferences and other industry events.”

For more information, see this link.



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