Laurelwood Millwork specializes in custom shaped wood and UVPC windows, interior casings, grilles and trim


CaDCR special feature

Since 1987 Laurelwood Millwork has been a leading manufacturer of custom shaped wood windows, interior casings and grilles. The company also crafts specialty wood windows and trim.

Laurelwood president Rob Rodgers developed his custom carpentry expertise working with his father in the 1970s building cabinetry and furniture.

“I realized then there was – and still is – a need for both custom and standard shaped transoms.”

Over time the operation grew from a small 1,500 sq. ft. shop to the 15,000 sq. ft. shop Laurelwood now occupies. Today the company works with pine, oak, mahogany and UPVC to create curved wood mouldings, curved sash parts, frames, brickmould, moldings and more.

Laurelwood windows are also available with low E insulated glass, clear insulated glass or decorative leaded insulated glass.

Serving primarily door prehangers, Rodgers says Laurelwood can accommodate any shape or size from an 18 inch half round to 105 inches, a range that essentially covers every possibility in between.

Clients often will provide nothing more than a cardboard template and he and his team will craft a transom to fit.

Laurelwood crafts its products focused on quality and attention to detail. “That’s one of the things I think our clients appreciate most about us.”

He says this is especially valuable to clients who work in the replacement business because they know they will always be able to get what they need to serve their own clients. He says consistency in quality and the ability to deliver has led to many long standing relationships and a reputation as the go-to for custom jobs.

For more information, visit


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