Toronto Community Housing Corp. plans to spend $422.6 million on capital projects in 2019

toronto community housing

The Toronto Community Housing Corp. (TCHC) plans to spend $422.6 million of its $1.05 billion budget on capital projects, including $313.1 million on “building capital renewal” in 2019 “to improve living conditions, safety, accessibility and comfort for tenants, produce greater energy efficiencies, and advance the goal of returning all TCHC buildings to a state of good repair by 2026,” TCHC says in a statement.

Each year, TCHC updates its 10-year capital renewal plan to assess the repair backlog and forecast continued capital needs. Full funding and implementation of the 10-year plan is expected to return buildings to a state of good repair by 2026, the organization says in a statement

TCHC’s 2019 capital budget also includes $109.5-million for development capital to fund ongoing work to renew and replace homes in Alexandra Park, Allenbury Gardens, 250 Davenport, Lawrence Heights, Leslie Nymark and Regent Park; in the newest revitalization site at Don Summerville; and in Jane-Firgrove, where TCHC is consulting extensively with tenants to develop a master plan to guide how best to rebuild and revitalize this community.


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